Freight Analysis Framework Version 5 (FAF5)
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Custom Selection of FAF Data
Flow Type:

(Estimates for years 2025-2050 are forecasts.)

Forecast Scenarios: (2025-2050)

Origin-Destination Geography:

Foreign Origin (fr_orig)
The foreign origin is the foreign region where a freight movement begins. The specific countries included in each region can be found at the United Nations site.

US Entry Region (dms_orig)
The US entry region is the FAF region or state where an import enters United States.

Domestic Destination (dms_dest)
The domestic destination is the FAF region or state where a freight movement ends the domestic portion of shipment.

Commodity (sctg2)
The commodities are classified at the 2-digit level of the Standard Classification of Transported Goods (SCTG).

Mode & Distance:

Foreign In-Mode (fr_inmode)
The foreign in-mode is the mode used between a foreign region and the US entry region for the imported goods.

Domestic Mode (dms_mode)
The domestic modes for imports are the modes used between US entry region and domestic destination.

Distance Band (dist_band)
The distance band is the range of estimated routed distance for the domestic portion of shipment. Note that the distance band is not available for historical years (1997-2012).
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ORNL Last modified:
July 19, 2024